Instructions for abstracts, posters and texts for the conference intended for printing
1. Abstracts of presentations and posters of participants taking active part in the conference will be published in conference materials. Each participant declaring active participation in the conference in the form of an oral presentation or a poster is required to prepare an abstract (in the MS Word format - doc or docx) in Polish and English.
2. The abstracts for publication in the book of abstracts should meet the following requirements:
- AUTHORS (First author1, Second author2 ....) - please underline the name of the author presenting a paper or a poster
- AUTHOR´S AFFILIATIONS (1Affiliation, 2Affilation...)
- KEYWORDS: (maximum 5 words)
- CONTENT OF THE ABSTRACT: (maximum 200 words); text: font Times New Roman size 12, not bold, justified text, space between lines 1.5, standard margins 2.5 cm
3. Abstracts must be sent to the conference organizers until February 12, 2020 to the address: mcylkowska-nowak@ump.edu.pl
4. The texts of the conference presentations will be published after the conference in a thematic monograph. Each participant declaring active participation in the conference in the form of an oral presentation may prepare the text for printing (in the Word format - doc or docx). The texts will be accepted for publication after obtaining a positive review of the reviewers.
5. The texts for printing should meet the following requirements:
- AUTHORS (First author1, Second author2 ....)
- TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION in Polish and English
- The text of original papers, research reports should be structured and divided into the following chapters: introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, references
- The text of the point-of-view papers should contain: introduction, sub-chapters titled in accordance with the subject matter content, conclusion, references
- The source material should be quoted in the text according to the Vancouver system (according to the citation sequence, marking it using numbers in square brackets). The list of references should be placed after the text of the paper (according to the citation sequence).
- In the case of periodicals the following layout is required: last name of the author(s), first name initials, title of the work, name of the periodical, year, issue, volume, first and last page numbers.
Smith E., Mackenzie L. How Occupational therapists are perceived within inpatient mental health settings: the perceptions of seven Australian nurses, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 2011; 58(4): 251-260.
Rider BA. Brashear RM. Men in occupational therapy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 1988; 42(4): 231-237.
- In the case of quoting a chapter from a book, the following must be provided: last name of the author(s), first name initials, chapter title, names of book editors (if any), book title, publishing house, place of publication, year of publication, first and last pages of the chapter.
Dunn W. Occupational therapy: everyday acts become our legacy. (pp. 167-171), in: 30 years of social change. S. Jones (Ed.), Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London – Philadelphia 2018: 167-171.
- When referring to book fragments, the following should be taken into account: last name of the author(s), first name initials, book title, place of publication, publishing house, year of publication, page number.
Allison N. The illustrated encyclopedia of body-mind disciplines. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group; 1999: 118-120.
- Works not quoted in the text of the paper cannot be considered in the references.
- Total text volume: up to 30,000 characters (including tables and references).
6. Texts for printing should be sent to the organizers of the conference by March 10, 2020 to the following address: mcylkowska-nowak@ump.edu.pl