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ikona PDF Workshop Plan (PDF) - 2020-20-24

1. Diagnosing user needs (PL)

Anita Basińska
sociologist, researcher, lecturer at the SWPS Uniwersity, School of Form in Poznań
Monika Rosińska
sociologist, design researcher, curator of exhibition, lecturer at SWPS Uniwersity, School of Form in Poznań
Duration: 120 min.
Number of participants: 15 people

2. The possibility of using activLife system in occupational therapy practice, activation and rehabilitation (PL)

Michał Kraul
physiotherapist, chiropractor, cooperating with Alreh Medical company
Duration: 90 min.
Number of participants: 20 people

3. The elements of sensory integration in hand therapy (PL)

Sabina Siwiec
occupational therapist, physiotherapist, hand therapist, PhD student at the Poznań University of Medical Sciences
Duration: 90 minutes
Number of participants: 20 people

4. Occupational therapy of a person with ankylosing spondylitis: a case study analysis with a presentation of good practices in the Medical Simulation Centre of Poznań University of Medical Sciences (PL)

Mirosława Cylkowska-Nowak
arttherapist, speech therapist, pedagogue, senior lecturer and occupational therapist teacher at the Poznań University of Medical Sciences
Magdalena Przybylska
occupational therapist, physiotherapist, musician
Duration: 90 minutes
Number of participants: 15 people

5. Speech stimulation in occupational therapy (PL)

Monika Kuźniarek
speech therapist, special educator
Duration: 90 minutes
Number of participants: 20 people

6. Strengthening intergenerational dialogue in therapy through writing: an aspect of access to generational experiences (PL)

Anna Lewczuk
arttherapist, educator, philologist, lecturer at the University of Medical Sciences in Poznań
Duration: 120 minutes
Number of participants: 12 people

7. Musicon as a therapist´s tool (PL)

Natalia Komar-Piątyszek
arttherapist, musictherapist, ooperating with the company M Ltd., producing Musicons
Duration: 90 minutes
Number of participants: 15 people

8. Available music (PL)

Dominika Dopierała
musician, musictherapist, volunteer, President of the Nordoff Robbins Foundation Poland
Duration: 105 minutes
Number of participants: 15 people

9. Movement in music, music in motion (PL)

Michalina Radzińska
musician, arttherapist
Duration: 90 minutes
Number of participants: 15 people

10. Sounding of animated films in real time as a metod of inclusive group work (PL)

Natalia Komar-Piątyszek
philosopher, arttherapist, community animator
Duration: 150 minutes
Number of participants: 12 people

11. Mindfulness-based art therapy (PL)

Robert Bartel
artist working in many media, arttherapist, professor at the University of Arts in Poznań
Duration: 150 minutes
Number of participants: 15 people

12. Is today public space senior-friendly? Let’s have a look at Hamburg examples! (EN)

Elina Priedulena
Hanse Parliament,
Beata Fabisiak
Poznan University of Life Sciences
During the workshop we will have an insight into the examples of good practices to promote accessibility of public spaces from Germany respectively Hamburg. Inspirational case studies will be shown, being the basis for further works. Participants will work in groups building better understanding of accessibility issues in the scope of public areas and evaluating given spaces based on their professional background. International and interprofessional discussion and cooperation will allow for more openness, mutual learning and exchange of good practices. The results of the workshop will help in the selection of case studies that will be the basis for the inspirational stories to support public institutions in providing more senior-friendly public spaces.
Duration: 60 minutes
Number of participants: 20 people

13. How the BaltSe@nioR Virtual Library can help you in providing better services and products for seniors? (EN)

Joan Knudsen (Denmark)
head of Innovation, design and entrepreneurship at Development Centre UMT (secretariat of Lifestyle & Design Cluster)
Joan holds a Master in Architecture, furniture Design and has extensive experience in design processes, facilitating knowledge transfer and in depth knowledge about designing for all. Joan has been overall responsible for the design and development of Virtual Library.
Outcome of the workshop:
1.) You will get introduced to:
The first website based on expert knowledge dedicated to the subject of designing for the elderly. The Virtual Library publishes the results of research carried out as part of BaltSe@nioR and BaltSe@nioR 2.0 projects, as well as a comprehensive bibliography of experts dealing with the issues related to the needs of the elderly, the purchasing power of seniors, housing conditions of the elderly, the design process, universal design, robotics, biomechanics, etc. All materials uploaded in the Virtual Library are available to its users free of charge.
2.) You will create your own profile on the platform and try out some of the functionalities on the website via hands- on exercises, so you feel comfortable using the platform ongoing
Furniture manufacturers, designers, researchers, practitioners and entrepreneurs can create their profile in the Virtual Library free of charge. The functionalities include the option to link to a catalog of products, portfolio, photos of the interiors designed or/and equipped with your furniture, promotional movies, scientific articles etc. as well as providing a link to your website.
The knowledge that is available in the Virtual Library is divided into the following thematic blocks:
Demographic data, Seniors as consumers: purchasing power, shopping behavior, the process of new product development, aging of the human body, characteristics of seniors' households, design methods, marketing, smart furniture……this list is constantly expanded.
Join our workshop to find out how to use the Virtual Library in a most efficient way and become the part of our network.
Duration: 60 minutes
Number of participants: 20 people

Attention: Bring your tablet or laptop to be able to participate fully and perform exercises together with the tutor.

14. Designing senior-friendly environment using virtual reality (EN)

Beata Fabisiak (Poland), Anja Poberznik (Finland), Jörg Güttler (Germany), Riikka Tupala (Finland - online)
The goal of this workshop is to ideate different environments or situations that may present challenges for an elderly person´s functioning when using public spaces. Working in groups, you will point out these difficulties by ideation of tasks that are characteristic for various types of public spaces (e.g. library, waiting rooms, cafe, theater, park). Your ideas and concepts will be in future used to create environments for virtual reality game-like simulation.
The workshop will start with an introduction lecture on accessibility of public spaces and sense-friendliness, as well as an introduction to virtual reality. You will have a possibility to test VR glasses in order to get an understanding of virtual reality.
No previous knowledge is required. Different professional backgrounds are very welcome.
Duration: 120 minutes
Number of participants: 20 people

15. Techniques of virtual and augmented reality in motivation for activity of people with disability (PL)

Radosław Nagay
designer, engineer, owner of the Panopticum / VRR Immersive Technologies,
head of the Department of Visual Communication and Computer Games at the Academy of Art in Szczecin
Duration: 180 minutes (including break)
Number of participants: 10 people

16. Inspirujące rozwiązania „by Hettich - Nazywamy to Fascin[action]” (PL)

Wojciech Zarzycki
Technikal Manager Hettich Polska, ekspert ds. okuć meblowych, esteta, filantrop, znawca sztuki i z zamiłowania Stolarz
Paweł Borkowski
Doradca Techniczny, ekspert ds. okuć i techniki meblowej, Stolarz, Projektant mebli.
Inspiracja polega na obserwacji i gromadzeniu wrażeń oraz przekształcaniu ich w pionierskie, nowe wizje. Zaś ten kto chce fascynować innych, musi dokonać czegoś wyjątkowego. Za pomocą swoich produktów, swojego serwisu, czy rozwiązań, które zachwycają.
Rozwiązania firmy Hettich zachwycają użytkowników mebli w trzech wymiarach:
Wyraź swój styl - dzięki designowi, który powoduje szybsze bicie serca
Zyskaj więcej przestrzeni - dzięki perfekcyjnie zagospodarowanej powierzchni, która otwiera przestrzeń w mieszkaniu
Delektuj się komfortem - dzięki komfortowym udogodnieniom, które rozpieszczają użytkownika
Podczas warsztatów poznamy wybrane grupy społeczne. Ich oczekiwania, nawyki, indywidualizm, co przekłada się na design i funkcjonalność w poszukiwaniu odpowiedniej formy czy też samych mebli. Zaprezentujemy najnowsze trendy w meblarstwie, pokażemy przykładowe, nietuzinkowe rozwiązania, zachwycającą technikę i przede wszystkim najnowsze pomysły jak zadowolić wszystkie potrzeby związane z meblem.
Duration: 60 minutes
Number of participants: 40 people

17. Therapeutic and coaching workshop
WHEN YOU FEEL THAT THE CIRCUIT HAS BECAME YOUR NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, in other words, the thing about the inner conflict between the feeling of unfulfillment and the fear of life change (PL)

Marta Holeksa
musician, pedagogue, art therapist, coach, TSR therapist, lecturer at AWFiS in Gdańsk, founder of the "FORTIS" Specialist Therapy and Coaching Center in Gdańsk
Duration: 120 min.
Number of participants: 12 people

18. Exploring the potential of OT Education, Research and Practice (EN)

Sigitas Mingaila
Board member of ENOTHE
Soemitro Poerbodipoero
President European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education (ENOTHE)
During the workshop we will look at the development of occupational therapy in countries in the context of similar history, culture, educational and and economic potential. In the perspective of developing occupational therapy the obstacles encountered and success stories will be presented from different examples. Participants will work in groups to discuss the major challenges facing the development in their occupational therapy in their country. It discusses the occupational therapy in three areas: education, practice and research. Discussions will adress topics on: the opportunity to shape the identity of OT, to make its development sustainable and to ensure faster development. Best practices presented will provide a motivating basis and help participantsto avoid potential pitfalls and will be encouraged to discuss areas where the role of occupational therapist should be strengthened in education, practice or science and explore why occupational therapists should go beyond the boundaries of their own profession and of the healthcare system.
Duration: 90 min.
Number of participants: 40 people
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aktualizacja: 2020-03-02